Custom: The slave made the mistake of saying than the previous time that you were not enough rude for him to stop flirting with other girls, the revenge will be more terrible than the 1st time with your farts and verbal domination during the FaceSitting.
So you decide to strap him to the bed and mummify his head so the only air he can breathe is through his nose. Lets see him cheat this time.You truly make him fight for his air.
The only air he is allowed comes from your ass. Make sure his nose is sealed tight to your ass.
Just to make sure they all go straight into his nose you wrap his head with saran wrap, completely covering his mouth and wrapping his hands and feet completely, he's not going anywhere!!!!
He had no idea how many farts he is about to receive and swallow ..
you told him to lay on the bed and you sit on his face fully, sealing it in (block him), and begin farting in his face for let him taste his punishment..
Don't hesitate for some wet ones, and you don't care about that and his suffer for that in his nose Watch as he struggles and panics to get only small breaths of air from your ass will be a pleasure for you, making him struggle even harder for his air by farting right on him and stay sit on him for 1min consecutive without moving from his face!
He tries to push you off but you keep his head buried deep in your ass crack!!
He nearly vomits a few times with your wet farts, but you don't care!!
You don't care and as you grow sick of his complaints, you pull out a belt that you harness around his head and pull his head in nice and tight!!!
His grip on you is loosening and he's getting weaker against your big ass, you practically to de-ath this loser.