Kelly is home and trying her best to relax on the sofa when you walk in on her and can tell she consumed more than her appetite, you give her that look and she confesses, sort of. She claims it’s not really her fault and her student wouldn’t shut up and she was starving! She couldn’t resist; she swallowed him whole. She then confesses while her gurgling stomach aches that his friend showed up at the house! She tried to send him away, but he just kept blabbing on and on, and her insatiable appetite got the best of her, and she just couldn’t help but swallow him whole as well. She’s a bit concerned by her weight gain and HUGE tummy after consuming not one but two very large meals. She retreats to the bedroom, undressing further, pulling off her tighter than ever clothes, checking herself out in the mirror making jokes about how big she’s grown, then laying on the bed nude, continuing to tease and rub her belly, and lick her fingers.